
911 is Bad for ya Health

Another story of someone calling 911 over fast-food. People who are unsatisfied with their orders are calling 911 and letting the operator at the other end know of the food crime being commited against them. In this case: a woman didn't get her chicken nuggets becuase Mc Donald's ran out.

Food crime is becoming a problem. This has got to be the 3rd story in a year I've seen about this. The first, last year in Jacksonville, was a man calling 911 over the lack of sauce Subway put on his sandwich.

Last month came the 2nd, when a man was upset that he couldn't wash down his chicken fries with a lemonade. And Coca-Cola would not pacify this crusader for justice! He did what any decent citizen would have done: called 911.

Now maybe some people would take the easy way out and call these people idiots, but I would say that they represent a certain type of human being. The kind that will not sit while fast food places are fucking up orders and "running out" of food that could be gurgling in their bellies. They are the ones who stand up! And do something to change it. That something being calling someone else to do it for them.

Or maybe it's just people who live in Florida?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

finally somebody’s fighting back against that dastardly fast food industry, which is set on destroying us with their addictive, tasty trans fats and dollar menus…